Wednesday, August 28, 2024



It's been seventy-nine days. 

Eleven Saturdays and eleven Sundays.

Eighteen hundred and ninety-six hours.

You've missed two federal holidays. 

And I've missed you every single second you've been gone.

Life has gone on, as I knew it would, but nothing is the same.

I've done the things you would have wanted me to. We went to see George Strait the day after your funeral. You were right--he did fill the stadium with more people than the Aggie football team ever has. He sang most of our favorite songs.

I hosted the neighborhood book club the following week. It was a huge success. You know how over-the-top I can get with things. 

The book we read was The Women, and since it centered around the Vietnam War and took place in the 1960s-70s, I asked everyone to dress for that era, and we ate favorite foods from the time period. Each member honored veterans from their family by bringing photos. Everyone shared their story, and at the end of the night, we were all united by the shared love of country and reading. You would have loved it!

We began emptying your house. Mamacita's furniture looks so beautiful in Charles' old bedroom. I'm so fortunate to have my great-grandmother's furniture, especially since I was born on her birthday. The bedroom is now referred to as the Mamacita and Mother Room. 

I've scattered photos of you and Dad on the dresser, chest of drawers, and shelves. I find comfort when I'm in the room, but right now, I can't stay there too long. 

The first time Cooper saw the room, he said, "Whoah!"

While carefully going through your things, and packing the special keepsakes, we were reminded of so many wonderful times. Your house was filled with so many memories, some we remembered well, others caused our hearts to flutter a bit as we were taken back to times we had almost forgotten.

Greg has been amazing. He has had the immense burden of being the executor of the will. While there was a great deal to do, your preparedness made that easier for him. I'm so thankful for that gift. 

In every step of the process, we have been met with an abundance of sympathy, empathy, and kindness. You were so well-loved and respected, and we have been filled with pride and gratitude for being your children.

Scooter is enjoying life with Cleo. I'm sure her resemblance to you is comforting. She's had him on a diet, limiting his eating times to a couple of times a day. He's actually lost a few pounds. Scooter says that life is good, but he still misses you and the never-ending bowl/supply of cat food.

We had the estate sale and it was a huge success. From what I've heard it was quite an occasion. Cars were lined up to the end of the neighborhood. People actually had to park on Appleby Sand Road. 

Although the sale began at eight o'clock, people started lining up at 6:00 a.m. At the end of the two days, only two pieces of furniture were left behind, a few articles of clothing, some books, and glassware. 

Many of your friends and former students came by, just wanting to find a little something to remember you by. The wonderful thing, though, is the love and memories you shared with so many will go with them for the remainder of their lives.

The house is now for sale. Greg and I went by the other day, after the estate sale, and the house was completely empty. 

It was so very sad, but we were reminded that your spirit isn't confined to that place. You are everywhere we are. 

You're in the subtle touch of a light summer breeze. And the beautiful hibiscus plant that a friend gave me. Although each flower only lives for a day, we have faith that another one will come tomorrow. While we hope for a new bloom, we are always surprised by the color of the flower. It's such a beautiful reminder of how God's mercies are new every morning. How great is his faithfulness.

As the political season moves along, I imagine all the thoughts and comments you would be sharing. As usual, you were right about so many things.

I hear your laugh when there is something funny that Cooper or Harper does. I imagine telling you about it. 

Just the other day when they were at our house, Harper saw a picture of you, me, Cooper and Harper. She pointed at it and said, "Gramma."

I knew, in that moment, you were with us.

As sad as it was, the night of your visitation, Cooper made some amazing connections. He said, "I sad. Gramma's not here." But he pointed upward and knew you were in heaven. Through your death, he had a better understanding of Jesus, and heaven. Thank you for teaching that lesson. Even in death you are guiding us, and leading us toward the Lord.

When I'm in the grocery store and I see soup, and Blue Bell ice cream, and corn bread, I think of you and some of your favorite things.

I hear your voice when I'm sad and feeling alone. I always manage to pick myself up and ready myself to conquer the world and whatever giants I'm facing. 

You taught me to have grit, but to also be sweet, kind, and polished. I'm still working on parts of that, but my hope every day is to strive to be more like you.

Cooper started Pre-K, and Harper is taking dance lessons. You would adore seeing her in her leotard and tutu-type skirt.

Cooper is living his best life at school--he eats breakfast at home, and then again at school! He takes his lunch and eats in the cafeteria! He asked Kaitlyn and Charles why they don't have waffles at home! I immediately thought of you--- you would have so enjoyed eating waffles with Cooper.

I'm back at work. It's been so hard. I'm so used to calling you on my way home. I've wondered many times why I came back to work, but every time that thought creeps in, I see the smile of a student, or get a sweet hug, or a funny story.

The other day when I arrived at work (I'm the first one here at 6:45) I knew you were with me. As I put my key into the lock on the door, a butterfly flitted between the door and me. It was yellow, and it's said that yellow butterflies are symbols of hope and happiness. At times those things seem so distant, but that day, hope and happiness were literally right in front of me.

I watched "Sleepless in Seattle" the other day. I remembered before you and I went to see it in the movie theater, we rented and watched the video "An Affair to Remember." You wanted me to understand the connection between that movie and "Sleepless in Seattle." Just like everything you did, you shared your knowledge and opened up my world a little more.

Aggie football begins this weekend. Tell Dad that hopefully this is the "maybe next year" we've been hoping for.

Brian is reminded of you often, and he and the boys, and Kaitlyn, Cooper and Harper all miss you. 

Life just isn't the same.

Thank you for the life you gave me. For the things you taught me. For our legacy. 

I do small things each day to keep you close. I try to always wear lipstick when I leave the house. I always sweep the porch and sidewalk before company comes. When decorating, or choosing clothing or applying makeup, I'm reminded of you always stating that "less is always more-except when it comes to swimsuits!"

I try to stay busy. But at times, I just want to rest. I want to remember. I want to do things that bring me joy.

I re-watched "You've Got Mail" for the millionth time. I remembered one of the reasons why I love that movie so much. It's the part with the photo of Kathleen's mother that is on the shelf in the bookstore her mother started. Joe Fox says, "Your mother was enchanting," and then Kathleen talks about her mother "twirling" her around in the photo.

And then the song "Remember" comes on. 

That's the song that plays in my mind when I think about you.

"Remember, is a place from long ago.

Remember, is filled with everything you know.

Remember, when you're sad and feelin' down.

Remember, turn around.

Remember, life is just a memory.

Remember, close your eyes and you can see.

Remember, think of all that life can be.


I remember, Mother. You were enchanting.

And I miss you with every beat of my heart.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

A Tribute to my Mother: A Broken Zipper, a Box of Letters, and an Amazing Life


When I was a senior at Texas A&M, I was the Historian for the Class of '85. It was my responsibility to write an entry in the Aggieland (yearbook) about our time at A&M. In addition to that daunting task, I was to read my thoughts at the Senior Banquet which was held just before the much awaited senior celebration called Ring Dance. That night, the banquet room would be filled with cadets, non-regs, and lovely young ladies in beautiful dresses.

Some of you are probably rolling your eyes at the mention of Aggie traditions, but for me, this was all a part of life. It was the cherry on top of my years at TAMU. And Ring Dance was an event I had heard about for many years (although when I was younger I thought it was "Rain Dance," and asked my father why on earth there would be such an event)...

Now, let's get back to the night I was almost "pretty in pink."

I was going to wear the most beautiful dress my mother bought from The Townhouse, our favorite shop in Nacogdoches. Our friend Shelba special ordered it, and this dress was adorned with all of my favorite things. 

It was the Goldilocks color of pink--not too bright, and not too pale. It was just right. The dress was strapless, and the top portion had an overlay of pink lace, matching the dress color perfectly. The material was gathered at the waist, and in the back supported a big bow. The dress flowed freely; it would look stunning as I twirled around the dance floor. The formal was just below the knee, making it appropriate for evening attire. 

With this dress, I wore spectacular shoes, and I donned a strand of pearls that belonged to my mother.

The night was going to be magical. It was a time of remembrance, as well as a time to look forward to all the things to come. It was a celebration of our Aggie journey, the friends we made, and the many lessons we learned along the way.

My parents planned to meet me at my apartment, and follow us to the banquet. These fancy events always added a bit of stress, but having to give a speech in front of a large crowd had me extra nervous.

In addition to my unwelcome anxiety, there were three of us, all trying to get ready for the big event; all trying to take turns in the one bathroom apartment.

I was ready well ahead of the scheduled departure time. I was still in my robe, but my plan was to put the dress on last, so I wouldn't muss it up.

Just before my parents arrived, I put on the appropriate undergarments and slipped on my lovely pink dress. 

I called out to my roommates, asking if one of them would come zip me up. They were both hurriedly getting ready, as their dates had already arrived. Since the dates were in the living area, I couldn't skedaddle down the hallway to get zipped up without them seeing me. 

I decided I could zip it myself. 

But I was wrong. As I pulled the zipper up, it got caught on the lace portion of the dress. I decided to pull the zipper down and hopefully release the captive lace. As I tried to do this, I was too forceful, and the zipper began to eat up more of the lace. I was about to reach panic mode, and in hindsight, should have slipped down the hallway and asked my roommates for help. 

Instead of that, I thought I would spin the dress around so I could see exactly how to pull the zipper down without damaging my dress. 

Thinking I was pretty smart, I followed this plan. After reviewing the situation, I ascertained that if I carefully continued with the zipper going up, the delicate piece of lace that had been snagged would be released. If the lace was torn a bit, that wouldn't be a big deal.

But as things often go in life, my plans went awry. When I pulled upwards on the zipper, it became uneven, and in a moment of complete chaos, the zipper split, and pulled away from the dress. 

Panic ensued, and tears began to fall. I was hopeful, though, because my mother was an excellent seamstress. I was sure she could find a fix for the pickle I now found myself in.

But, in order to fix the dress, I would need sewing supplies, and I had none. There wasn't enough time to run to the store and purchase anything. If I hadn't been the speaker at the banquet, I probably would have skipped it, and spent that time darning the darn dress. Again. Not an option.

My parents arrived, and I was a mess. Mascara was streaming down my face as my roommates left the building to go to the banquet. My date was notoriously late, and for once, it was a good thing. 

After looking for a solution from every angle, my mother finally stated the obvious. The only way to pull the dress together would be with safety pins. Something we had an abundance of.

I'm not sure how many safety pins my mother used, and I'm not sure how she pulled it together so that my undergarments weren't seen, but she did it.

My dad was nervously pacing in the living area, and I heard my date arrive. I was absolutely devastated that this important evening had gone south before it even started. I was inconsolable, and hysterical. But there was nothing else that could be done. I would have to attend the Senior Banquet and Ring Dance with my dress pinned together by silver safety pins that had no silver lining.

As I was about to walk out of my bedroom and into a night which would surely be filled with gasps, and comments, and people stating the obvious, my mother knew I was at a loss, and any confidence I had stored up for this evening had been snared by that hateful zipper. 

I dried my eyes, touched up my makeup, and as I headed for the door, my mother said, "If anyone comments about your dress, tell them it was made that way."

I thought to myself how ridiculous this sounded. How could I say that and be taken seriously? 

I arrived in the Banquet Hall, flawlessly gave my speech, and was ever-so-grateful that I was sitting at the head table facing the crowd during this portion of the evening. No one could see the safety pins vertically attached to the back of my dress, encompassing the all important task of keeping my dress from slipping down in an unprecedented wardrobe malfunction.

I made it through the banquet without much fanfare. I knew there were whispers of pity from the people who were walking behind me, but I entered the ballroom like I owned the place.

It wasn't surprising at all, when a certain young lady waited until the most inappropriate time to exclaim in a loud and catty voice in front of the large group we were with, "What happened to your dress?"

Without missing a beat, I turned to her and said, "It was made that way."

For the rest of the evening, no one said a word about my fashion faux pas. All because my mother gave me such sage advice. It wasn't haughty or rude. It was spot on. How could anyone respond to that retort? It was made that way...

The above story was the easy part in writing this blog. From here on, I'm sure I will have to take frequent breaks, and many deep breaths. The Kleenex are as close to me as my emotions. As much sorrow as I have, I am also filled with joy, for the life, legacy, and love my mother left behind when she parted from this world.

On June 10, 2024, the heavens opened up and welcomed my mother to her eternal home. She ran the race. She received the prize. She's where she has longed to be. 

But, oh, how I miss her.

Without going into much detail, my mother's health had been declining for a couple of years. We attributed most of this decline to her age. Many of her ailments were expected, even considered normal for an eighty-six-year-old.

Mother fell on May 17th, and from there, went to the hospital where she stayed for a week. The doctors finally told us that she needed bypass surgery, which she was obviously too frail to have. 

All Mother wanted was to go home. To her house, and then to heaven. In order for this to happen, we had to agree to set up hospice care for her. My brother diligently worked to get this done, and my mom was able to go home.

I have learned so much about hospice. It's nothing like I thought it would be, but it's a thousand times better than I ever imagined. The hospice staff of nurses, and caretakers, and a chaplain, were in charge of everything.

The care and compassion shown by each person at Heart to Heart Hospice, was exemplary. Along with her caretaker, Mary, these individuals helped make my mother comfortable in her last days.

When Mom first arrived home, she was unable to walk alone, due to the heart catheter that went through her groin. Other than that, she was her old self, except she was constantly trying to escape from the bed. 

She was happy, and chipper, and talkative. We thought hospice care would be around for several months or more. 

And then eighteen days after her fall, reality set in. Mother was in excruciating pain, and wasn't eating or talking. The decision was made to give her morphine to make her comfortable. I didn't understand until then, this meant her days were numbered.

My brother and I took turns being with her daily. Along with hospice and her caregiver, she had care twenty-four/seven.

On Sunday, June 9th, her sister was on her way from South Texas. Phone calls came from her grandchildren. We held the phone to her ear, and watched her struggle to find words that never came. Her expression didn't change, although she desperately tried to make it do so. A solitary tear rolled down her face as her grandchildren thanked her for all she had done for them, and expressed their love to her. 

Earlier that day, I was alone with Mother for several hours. In the background, my Bose speaker quietly played praise songs. I sat by her side, held her hand, and talked to her about her life, and the life she gave me. She squeezed my hand a couple of times, or batted her eyes. I knew she could hear me. 

During that time, I said all the things I wanted and needed to say. Hearing is the last sense to go, and I knew that God was allowing her to hear me, as well as her grandchildren, family, and friends who stopped in to say goodbye.

This wasn't the first time I expressed everything I felt I needed to say to Mother. Last fall, feeling that I might be running out of time, I wrote her a letter. Not an email, or a text. A letter that I mailed to her.

Here is what I said:

Dear Mother,

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all you have done for me throughout my life.

As I reflect on my childhood, it was idyllic. We lived in a charming town, and were always surrounded by wonderful friends in the neighborhood, at school, or at church.

I remember all the activities I was involved in. Thank you for those opportunities:

Dance with Mr. Haden, and later Judy Ann. Twirling lessons, piano lessons, a brief stint at gymnastics. I appreciate that you and Dad didn’t ever want us to quit anything, but if that was our choice, we had to be the one to tell the teacher/instructor at the end of the year. That was such an important life lesson about being responsible, as well as accountable.

You also made sure I was a part of the Summer Theatre Workshop, and a mini-sewing course provided by the County Extension Agency. I never finished that red skirt, but I did learn a few sewing skills.

You and Dad sent me and Greg to Camp Huawni every summer, where we both made lifelong friends.

Greg and I were so lucky to have you and Dad as our parents. You were supportive, and encouraging, but never tried to micromanage or solve our problems for us. You allowed us to make mistakes, and in the end we learned so much more through those mistakes than we ever would have if you had gone before us, fixing the issues at hand.

I remember summers at cheerleader camp, where you were either a sponsor/chaperone, or drove to Dallas to drop us off at SMU, or to pick us up at the end of a very long, hot week. The summer before my freshman year when you were our sponsor, you didn’t faint or come undone when Linda Flood and I bought a mouse from the pet store in Town East Mall, rescuing it from becoming a snake’s dinner. If you didn’t know about this, I apologize. We ended up taking the mouse with us to SMU, and if there has been a rodent problem there since 1977, it was probably our fault.

I’ll never forget you consoling us in the lobby of the SMU dorm one day during lunch that same year, as twelve Nacogdoches Freshmen cheerleaders were sobbing and wailing when Kitty on  the soap opera “All My Children” died.

From as far back as I can remember, you made many of my clothes. I always felt special because no one ever had the same outfit. When we were young, you would coordinate our outfits, finding a boys’ shirt for Greg, and then making me a dress with the same colors in it.

Every Easter, Greg and I looked extra dapper. It was important that we celebrate that day by looking our finest. I especially remember the black patent Mary Jane shoes, or the shiny white shoes with gold buckles. And a matching purse, of course.

As an adult, you supported and encouraged me every step of the way. I know at times it seemed I didn’t appreciate your advice or wisdom, mainly because I thought I knew it all, as most young people mistakenly do. You never held it against me, or said, “I told you so.” You were always good like that.

Thank you for loving Brian like a son. In fact, at times Greg and I think he’s your favorite! But what a wonderful thing to have a husband who is so highly revered and respected by you.

Thank you for being a wonderful grandparent. You did it without Dad. Christopher and Meagan were both two years old when he died. And Charles was born six weeks after he was gone.

Some of the best memories of our family are the times we shared at sporting events, especially in 2006, when you followed the Arp Tiger Basketball team all the way to Austin to watch us win the State Championship. I always loved how you got to know our friends, the coaches, and other people who were on the journey with us. You never met a stranger.

Thank you for contributing to the grandchildren’s education. And a special thanks for buying the boys their Aggies rings for their twenty-first birthdays. That was such a special and generous gift, and the boys will always remember you each time they put on their rings. 

The A&M years were so fun, but were also sad, as we were constantly reminded of Dad’s absence. I think it did, however, make us feel closer to him whenever we were in Aggieland.

When Dad died, I was so worried about you. But in true Claudette Brown fashion, you rose to the occasion. Your strength, determination, and resilience were inspiring.

Before you sold our childhood home, you informed Greg and me that you were putting it on the market. You wanted our blessing. We both replied that we thought it was for the best—that the house didn’t seem like home without Dad there.

Thank you for teaching me to love books, reading, various kinds of music, but most importantly, thank you for teaching me to be tolerant of those who have different views from my own.

You led by example, and shared stories, movies, and books that taught important lessons, the most special being To Kill A Mockingbird. Aside from the Bible, no book, or movie has had a bigger impression or impact on my life. I’ll always remember when you picked me up early from a birthday party so that I could watch a movie about a mockingbird. I was in seventh grade, and was embarrassed to be the first to leave the party.

But that night, I became friends with Atticus, Scout, Jem, and Boo Radley. As I watched in awe, you explained the historically significant details about the time period, setting, and relations between races. After watching the movie, I understood the importance of walking around in someone else’s shoes; seeing things from another point of view.

Everywhere I go, I run into people who know you. Mostly your former students who always praise you for teaching them so much about government. Your influence has extended beyond the classroom into all walks of life.

I love how you helped teach your grandchildren the importance of being involved in decisions at the local, state, and federal level. Many of the best conversations have revolved around government, the Constitution, and voting.

When Christopher lived with you, he was tickled when you left a list of suggestions of who to vote for in local elections.

One of my favorite things about you, is the way you have always expressed your feelings when something isn’t right or fair.

My favorite example is when you used to drive to the Daily Sentinel to talk to the sports reporter about the lack of coverage of SFA basketball. If an article was the least bit negative, you drove down to express those concerns, and to defend SFA basketball on the highest level.

Most of all, Mother, thank you for your example. You’re a hard act to live up to, and I know I have fallen short more times than I care to mention.

Through it all, you have loved me unconditionally, and infinitely.

I haven’t been good at expressing these thoughts over the years. It’s too difficult to do without becoming an emotional wreck. All of these feelings are tucked into a place I visit often, but don’t share with others.

Since Dad died, I have built a wall around that part of my heart, protecting myself from the deep emotional scars that feel like they will never heal. 

I can’t imagine my life without you, and I want you to know that. I apologize for always keeping my composure, and not treading to the area where I dare not go.

I love you with all my heart, and thank you for the life you’ve given me. I admire you more than you could possibly know, and am so proud of the imprint you’ve left on so many lives. Your life has, indeed, been well-lived.

I know you’ve struggled over recent years, being in constant pain. I wish I could take that away. I wish I could make you feel better.

Just know, without a doubt, you are my hero. Thank you for your classy example, your kind heart, and your brilliant mind. If I am one fourth of the person you are, I will be happy.

I know this letter will make you emotional, and you don’t have to say anything about it. I know that we will both be together, sharing that space of unspoken words. Once the dam breaks, it’s hard to stop the tears from flowing. But feeling those emotions, in the deep recesses of my heart, is a reminder of the great, never-ending, all-encompassing love we share.

As Scooter (mom's cat) says, “We’re all lucky to have you in our lives.”

Much love,


We used to laugh at the fact that Mother spoke for her cat Scooter. When she wanted to say something that she couldn't say without getting emotional, Scooter would say it. "Scooter says he's proud of you." If there was something that wasn't as complimentary, or had to do with her frustration with politics, or the world, Scooter would say those things for her too.

And now, "Scooter says," has become a precious memory. Something to bring a smile to our faces when the days seem long and dark.

I'm a firm believer in letter writing. As a child, my mother made sure I sent my grandparents thank you notes, and letters throughout the year. My grandmother saved those letters, and after she died, I found them. 

Letter writing allows you to put down on paper things that might be hard to say. Letter writing is a link between people and generations. Letters become a part of one's history and legacy.

The afternoon before Mother died, I told Greg that several years ago, I found a box of letters in the filing cabinet in the garage. Letters between my mother and father as they began "courting" through a long distance relationship. Dad was at A&M, and Mother was at Mary Hardin Baylor. 

I put the box of letters back, and it wasn't until June 9, 2024 that I took them out of the cabinet and showed them to my brother.

The box of letters is the story of their love. And these letters are the most precious thing Greg and I have of our parents. It shows their love, but also is the beginning of our story. The story of our beautiful family, and the life Mother and Dad gave us.

On her last full day on this earth, my brother read her some of the letters from my Dad. A tear rolled down her face as she listened.  Later that day, she reached out, as if she was trying to take someone's hand. She called out to her mother, and father. And then she called out to my dad, "Charles, come get me." 

Mother hadn't said my name in two weeks, and on that day, she said it twice. Once she called me over to her, the other time she asked me to get her sweater. 

We knew this was probably her rally day, and we made sure we let her know how much we loved her.

On June 10th in the afternoon, Mother went to Heaven and bowed down at the feet of Jesus. She joined my dad, and other family members who went before her.

It's hard to express, and people who have experienced this very thing will all see it differently. For me, watching my mother suffer and knowing death was near was horrific. The physical things that occurred will never be unseen.

But the spiritual experience and the complete honor of caring for my mother as she prepared to go see Jesus is the most precious memory I have of her. It's a hard memory. It's tough not to relive her pain. But in the end, she fulfilled the promise given by her Heavenly father. 

And by fulfilling her lifelong commitment to the Lord, her friends, and her family, she left us behind. And while I look back on those moments, and the waves of grief that continue to wash over me, I understand more than ever something about Life.

It's made that way.

We're intended to love. We're supposed to experience hardships, pain, and loss. Our lives will be far from perfect, because this is our temporary home. Life is made that way. 

The lesson my mom shared with me on that calamitous day when my zipper failed me, is one I have carried with me throughout my life. It was a lesson filled with honesty, grit, determination, and confidence. It helped me to look at situations that can't be changed and find the good. 

Mother was never dramatic, or hateful, or rude. Her example is one that is hard to live up to, but at the end of the day, when I'm lost, or sad, or don't know what to do, I will remember how to carry on. I will remember how I was created and loved, and beautifully and wonderfully made.

When I doubt myself, or feel alone, I will remember my pink dress, my mother, and the letters left behind. When I question life, and death, and joy and sorrow, and muddle through grief, I will look at myself and see my mother. I will remember the times she fixed my broken heart, or helped me with a problem, or simply led by example. The times she held me together, or mended my heart with a safety pin only a mom possesses.

I will always think of her as the person I hope to be. The one who gave me the best life advice ever, wrapped up into one phrase, "It's made that way."

Right now, I feel sad, alone, and heartbroken. I miss my mother, but know she is looking down, coaching me through the tough days, praying for my heart to heal, and for my soul to be joyful once again. 

And if she could tell me one thing it would be, "You can do this. You're made that way."


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fainting, Falling, and Other Things You Hope to Never do at Work

Welcome to my new blog Life, Love, and Lipstick. I've downsized from having a blog site and author website. From now on, this will be where you can find my blog. It is also linked to the author site

Now that we've taken care of new business, I can update you on a few things, and I hope you will be laughing with me, rather than at me. But either one is okay, because everyone needs to laugh a couple of times of day, and it's my job to try to make that happen.

You're welcome.

Let me begin by saying I don't want or need sympathy, but the last three weeks or so have been one for the books (or in this case, the blog).

I know you're busy, and don't have time for me to drone on and on about all the intricacies of my life, so I'm going to attempt to make this as succinct as possible.

I have been in education for thirty-eight years, teaching high schoolers for sixteen of those years. During those days, from time to time I wondered if something happened to me at work, if I fell, fainted, became ill, or in my pregnancy days went into labor, how would my students react? Would they jump into action to save their beloved teacher, or would they stand gawking over me, as I'm sprawled out on the floor?

Fortunately, none of those things ever happened, at least until last week. As my regular readers know, when I'm involved, anything can happen--as far as having a never-ending supply of stories, mishaps, and blundering tales, my cup is always overflowing. So sit back, relax and get ready to hear about all the things you hope to never do at work...

Several weekends ago, we kept our two grandchildren (ages four and a two years old). This is something we look forward to, and we feel that when the kids get to stay with us they've won the lottery because we're just so fun!. Actually, we're the big winners, because every second we are with them is precious. Exhausting, but precious. 

As all grandparents know, there's so much that happens other than the fun and never-ending adventures. Meals are prepared. The house is constantly in need of being picked up and cleaned. The day is an on-going marathon, where we transition from one task, job, event, or playtime to diapers, bubble baths, ice cream, playing in Sassy and Coach's park, and finally, trying to get everyone calmed down and ready for a good night's slumber.

Watching grandkids isn't for the faint of heart, and I literally found this out early Monday morning when I arrived at school.

From the time my alarm bolted me out of bed, I just didn't feel right. I couldn't pinpoint the exact malaise which was invading my body. I just knew something unpleasant was heading my way.

I didn't have fever and thought my nausea might be from something I unknowingly ate that contained gluten. The over-riding feeling I had was utter and complete exhaustion, but I powered through the motions, and arrived at work.

I walked across the parking lot to cafeteria duty and it seemed warmer than usual in the Raider Cafe. The breakfast crowd consists of all Junior High and Elementary students (K-5). The place is filled with hundreds of loud and boisterous bodies, and on that day, it seemed extra humid inside. 

After fanning myself and drinking some water, a panicked feeling washed over me, and I knew I needed to quickly find a bathroom or some fresh air. I opted for fresh air because I didn't feel like I was going to be sick. I just felt like I needed to move outside, to a quieter place.

I began walking toward the elementary building, but stopped. I knew I was about to faint. I was standing in the asphalt parking lot, and was next to a parked car. I tried to hang on to the driver's side review mirror, and whispered as loudly as I could to the administrators on car rider duty, "I'm about to faint."

When I came to, the Intermediate Campus Principal and Assistant Principal were hovering over me. I had no idea how I landed on the ground, but I saw my glasses, water bottle, phone and umbrella were scattered under the car I hoped would steady me. 

The two administrators began asking me questions. They also told me not to move. They asked my name, if I knew where I was, and of course I answered the question before it was asked as to who was President of the United States. 

I tried to get up, but they stopped me. As they held on to my arms and began the process of picking me up off the ground, I apparently told them, "Good luck getting my fat #!% off the ground." 

I guess being splayed on the ground in an awkward, unflattering position is already unladylike, so why not add the snarky and tacky comment? I blame it all on lack of oxygen. Seriously, I can't believe I said that out loud!

When I was finally standing up, I announced that I felt so much better...
Until I didn't.

When I came to this time, I once again didn't remember the fall, but I will never unsee the scared, shocked, confused, and worried looks of the students as they were filing by in their lines, heading back to their respective classrooms. 

At this point, I saw someone bringing a wheel chair, and I was hoisted into it. My principal was there to wheel me into the Kindergarten building, and she proceeded to call my husband, as well as an ambulance. While she was on the phone, I slipped off again, and when I came to she was saying, "Stay with me," and I replied, "I didn't know I went anywhere."

At this juncture of the medical drama, both nurses were now in the lounge, the principal, one of the counselors, the assistant superintendent, and several coaches who were all trying to get in touch with Brian, who was walking our dog and didn't have his phone with him.

After passing out three times, I felt like a new person. Except for the rumbling in my stomach.  I'm sure it was because of fear and embarrassment, but I felt I had to entertain everyone who came through the door and demonstrate that I was okay.

The ambulance arrived, and the EMTs brought in all of their medical equipment. They quizzed me about what happened. I told the parts I could remember, and the rest was filled in by the witnesses who were now assembled around me, as the EMTs began attaching all kinds of wires to my skin. 

Thankfully, the principal ran over and lowered the blinds, as more students were filing by, gaping through the windows, horrified. Hopefully, none were privy to the part when they pulled up my shirt to connect me to the EKG machine.

After ten minutes, with two good EKG results and blood pressure readings, the EMTs asked if I wanted to be taken to the hospital. I gave them a hard "No," and just asked if I could go home. They thought it would be okay, and commented that the virus going around was really bad. 

So, when Brian arrived, he helped me in his truck and we headed home.

We made it just in time. The aforementioned virus kicked in, and I can honestly say I've never been that sick in my life. When I passed out at school, I felt like I was dehydrated. I always drink at least 80 ounces of water a day, but when the grandchildren were there, I didn't. (I had no idea of the unpleasantries the rest of the day had in store for me).

I put my pajamas on, and stayed in bed until Thursday (except when I went to pick up my car from school).

I drank water and Gatorade, and ate gluten-free crackers. I know you're jealous.

The following Monday, I returned to work, with the only visible sign of my medical incident being the obvious limping while trying to walk. 

It seems one of the times I fainted, I must have strained a ligament in my foot. It was bruised and swollen, and finding shoes to wear was extremely difficult.

The students all welcomed me back, exclaiming, "We were so worried about you. It scared us when you fell."

I was horrified, and quickly said in a defensive tone, "I didn't fall. I fainted. Three times. I was very, very sick."

I'm not sure why I have chosen this hill to die on, but I want everyone to know I fainted. 

"Hear ye! Hear ye! No matter what you heard, I didn't fall. I'm not clumsy"--well, maybe sometimes, but I wasn't on this day. 

After spending my first day back at school clarifying, explaining, and defending myself, I thought all was well.

The very next day during lunch, one of the students who asked about my fall the day before and heard the real story, that I fainted, called me over to her table. 

She asked, "Mrs. Keith. Did you faint or fall?"

I answered, "I fainted. Why?"

She pointed at the boy sitting next to her and said, "He keeps saying you fell."

I vehemently stated that I didn't fall, I fainted.

His response, "No, you fell."  I give up...

At least they didn't make a chart where the students vote by answering "Did she faint?" or "Did she fall?"

I am happy to report that I went to my doctor, who did another EKG, and everything checked out well.

I am so very fortunate. It could have been much worse. When I fell because I fainted, I could have really hurt myself. I'm lucky I didn't crack my head wide open the two times I fell fainted on the asphalt.

It's almost surreal. On that day, and in those moments, I wasn't scared. But whenever I reflect  on what happened, I am shaken.

Not from fear, but because I clearly see how God protected me in so many ways. 

Whether I fainted or fell is unimportant because He picked me up. He kept me from harm, gave me strength, and healed me.

I have been overwhelmingly humbled by the response from so many people throughout the district, my co-workers at the elementary, and the students. I am lucky, indeed, to work in such a wonderful place. 

If you ever want to feel loved and adored, I suggest you give someone ice cream, a surprise gift, or a million dollars.

I don't suggest fainting at work.

But if you have to faint at work, I hope you do so at a place of employment that is as awesome as mine is. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who helped me through this ordeal. You went above and beyond. 

I'm guessing that caring for me during this medical episode was one of those "other duties as assigned"  listed on your contract. 

I'm forever grateful that my fall from grace (not from being clumsy, but from fainting), wasn't worse. I would say it's luck, but I know different. 

"I lift up my eyes to the mountains--where does my help come from? 
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:1-2)

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

Live your life to the fullest, love everyone, and always remember to put on your lipstick,
